Wider Learning - Origins of the Caribbean


The curriculum of our school is a reflection of our school ethos, vision and ambition. We seek to develop the whole child so that they can access all that life can offer. This means that in addition to the explicit curriculum that ultimately leads to external certification, we seek to develop lifelong learners who are spiritually, culturally, digitally and financially literate, in addition to understanding how to remain healthy and safe through their lifestyle choices.

Our Quality First Teaching Principles:

  • Highly focused lesson design with sharp learning objectives
  • High demands of pupil involvement and engagement with their learning
  • High levels of interaction for all pupils
  • Appropriate use of questioning, modelling and explaining on the part of the teacher
  • An emphasis on learning through dialogue, with regular opportunities for pupils to talk both individually and in groups
  • An expectation that pupils will accept responsibility for their own learning and work independently
  • Regular use of encouragement and authentic praise to engage and motivate pupils

Curriculum vision


The main focus of teaching and learning about the Caribbean region and its culture is to encourage students to further their knowledge and appreciation of a very fascinating part of the world which goes a long way towards understanding its people and influence, globally.

Students will explore the Caribbean through the eyes of its inhabitants and looking at its history, culture, and entertainment in a holistic and creative way, giving them the opportunity to immerse themselves in its origins and traditions.

Lesson Topics: History, Culture, Entertainment & Sport.





Origins of the Caribbean



To gain an understanding of the Caribbean region, its inhabitants, and descendants.


To explore the Caribbean region through the eyes of its inhabitants and links to the United Kingdom.


To consolidate understanding and knowledge, by writing an essay on a Caribbean Island of your choice.


  1. Countries of the Caribbean & Flags.
  2. The Commonwealth (Colonialism & Empire).
  3. Windrush - Invitation (Live, Work & Serve) (UK -The Motherland) NHS & Transport.
  4. British Army - Commonwealth Citizens Served in WW1 & WW2.
  5. Religion - Mostly Christian & Catholic.
  6. Education - British System and Languages.
  7. Economics - Tourism, Trade, and Currencies.
  8. The History of Barbados - Historical, Cultural and Heritage.             
  9. Resources: All resources, videos and links are within the 60-page booklet.


To gain an understanding of Caribbean culture through its: traditions, food, fashion, job sectors, climate, uniqueness, and its contributions to the world.

To explore Caribbean culture through the eyes of its inhabitants and world influences.


To consolidate understanding and knowledge, through your choice of project.


  1. Customs & Traditions - Like crop-over, nine-night, carnival et al.
  2. Caribbean food   National dishes, similar foods, fish-fry, and rum.
  3. Fashion -National Dress, carnival costumes….
  4. Job sectors
  5. Service Industry - Education, Agriculture, Export and Health.
  6. Climate - Temperatures, Wildlife, Nature and Beaches.
  7. Caribbean - Content, Contributions, Achievements, and Inventions. 
  8. Unique to Black Communities - Hair, Skin et al.  Resources: All resources, videos and links are within the 60-page booklet.


To gain a deeper understanding: Origins of the Caribbean through music, dance, and sport.


To explore - the contributions that Caribbean people have made in entertainment and sport (highlighting links to the United Kingdom).

To complete – Project Caribbean (Hand-in or Performance-based within lesson.)


  1. Music - Soca, Gospel, Steel Pan, Sound Systems, Reggae, Lovers Rock et al.
  2. Dance    Origins of ‘Twerking’.
  3. Famous Caribbean’s -  including Sport and Dance.        Rihanna, Bob Marley, Nicki Minaj, Usain Bolt, Lewis Hamilton et al.


All resources, videos and links are within the 60-page booklet.


As students of the world, this introduction to the Caribbean is the first chapter in your on-going discovery of how the United Kingdom (UK) and the Caribbean came together.

The study of the Caribbean and its history directly impacts as to why we are part of the population of the United Kingdom. Following colonisation, some Caribbean inhabitants were made British citizens to enable them to work and serve within the British Empire.

As British citizens of the commonwealth we were invited to live, work, and serve rebuilding Britain after the second world-war -National Health Service (NHS), Transport, Army et al. The Windrush was one of many ships that answered the call from ‘the Motherland’.