Ofsted Quotes

Our most recent inspection reports by both Ofsted and the Diocese of Westminster made reference to the excellent work which has been occurring with our 6th Form students.

Please find below some excerpts from our most recent full Ofsted inspection (October 2018), and click here for the full report. 

  • Sixth Form students make consistently good and sometimes exceptional progress. Sixth Form students benefit from high-quality teaching and a curriculum which is appropriate to their needs.

  • As a result of excellent support provided by the school, increasing numbers of students are attending the top universities.


  • In the sixth form, the majority of teaching is good or outstanding. Effective teaching and feedback are used to support individual needs and this leads to improvement in the students’ work.


  • The leadership of the sixth form is good.


  • There is strong leadership capacity in the sixth form to drive improvements further.

  • Leaders manage the programmes of study for students thoughtfully.


  • Students who met with inspectors said they were pleased they had stayed in school for the sixth form. Most students go on to high-quality destinations in education or employment.


  • There is an exceptionally wide range of enrichment opportunities which helps students to develop personal and social skills. Student retention between Year 12 and Year 13 is high because of this support.


  • Students appreciate the strong family environment in the sixth form.