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The curriculum of our school is a reflection of our school ethos, vision and ambition. 

The Douay Way is to seek to educate the whole person and to support all students and develop resilient hardworking ‘can do’ young people.  We seek to do this by offering a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum for Years 7 to 13.  

All students follow a core curriculum in Key Stage 3 and 4 which includes Religious Education and what are sometimes called the Ebacc subjects.  In addition, students study a range of technological and creative subjects as well as physical education.  In Key Stage 4 students are guided to choose from appropriate pathways, with wider learning, developed cultural capital, and exposure to digital and financial literacy interleaved throughout the curriculum provision. 

The post-16 curriculum is based on the same principles. Sixth form students choose from a range of subjects that support them on their journey to Higher Education or employment. 

Sitting alongside this are a series of ‘Deep Learning Days’ which enable students to engage with a range of personal development, cultural and problem-solving activities appropriate to their year groupings.

Our Key Teaching Principles: 

  • Highly focused lesson design with sharp learning objectives
  • High demands of pupil involvement and engagement with their learning
  • High levels of interaction for all pupils
  • Appropriate use of questioning, modelling and explaining on the part of the teacher
  • An emphasis on learning through dialogue, with regular opportunities for pupils to talk both individually and in groups
  • An expectation that pupils will accept responsibility for their own learning and work independently
  • Regular use of encouragement and authentic praise to engage and motivate pupils

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