The Eucharist/Celebration of Mass

The Eucharist, known as the Mass is the source and summit of the Christian Life and the Sacrament of unity, deepening the communion of the faithful with Christ and with one another in Christ.  As a Catholic School we ensure that our school community has the opportunity to come together to celebrate Mass. The first Friday of the month there is an optional Mass for both staff and students.  Each Academic Year the whole school comes together to be part of the celebration of both the school’s patronal feast day Mass (October) and on last day of each Academic Year.  In addition to this, each year group has the opportunity to come together for the celebration of Mass on the Holy Days of obligation, Welcome Mass for Years 7 and sixth Form Mass, Thanksgiving Masses for Year 11 and Year 13, Annual Memorial Mass for all deceased members of the school community and the first Friday Mass of the month.


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